Chicken Pot Pie

I’ve never made chicken pot pie before.  It always intimidated me with its perfectly flakey crust, creamy filling, and loads of chopping.  Sounds kind of scary, right?  Right.

Well, Comfortably Domestic gave the world an easy solution to the perfect crust awhile back.

My excuses started to dwindle.

Jonathan requested chicken pot pie many times and resorted to calling me “Maddie-pot-pie” on a regular basis.

Then, Inside NanaBread’s Head sent me a SPECTACULAR care package with the tools I would need to complete the pot pie.

NanaBread's hand crafted holiday apron! (excuse the post-yoga ensemble)

Isn't this little leaf cut out adorable! Thanks again, NanaBread!

My stance against homemade pot pie was defunct.

Comfortably Domestic also gave us the perfect chicken pot pie recipe, but I only had a few of those ingredients on hand.  😦  I ended up using the same recipe, except for *gasp* frozen vegetables.

I think I’m officially hooked on homemade pies.  There’s no turning back now.  Although, I’m not a huge fan of the cleanup.

The aftermath:

I feel bad for the poor sucker who has to clean that up.   Oh wait, that poor sucker is me.


15 thoughts on “Chicken Pot Pie

  1. Yay!! Mads made a chicken pot pie! And it’s pretty! Great job, girlfriend. That is one pretty pot pie. Jonathan is never going to let you wimp out again. Thanks for the photo of you in your apron. Very cute! Made my day. And the leaf cutter worked really well! I’m holding up my score card poster with a big 10 on it. Way to rock Kirsten’s pot pie recipe.

    PS – pie clean up is my least favorite part, too, but a good bench scraper makes short work of it. If you don’t have one, you need to put it on your shopping list. Pronto! Here’s the one I have. Love it, and it only costs about $8. Add this to your ‘no excuses’ list.

  2. I feel like now I need to purchase an artsy cutter to lift up my otherwise mundane endeavors into the world of pastry. You did a GREAT job.

  3. Pingback: Chicks in the Coop Pie | What's On the Stove?

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