One Kitchen, Many Hearts

I’m not sure of how we all met on the internet, but somehow our blogospheres collided and we became friends.  I vaguely remember chuckling at NanaBread’s comments on someone else’s blog and then reading her posts religiously.  Slowly we all began twittering like mad.  Then we all joined forces for cookie week, pie week, cake week, and the rest is history.

When someone suggested we act as “pen pals” with boxes of goodies from home, I jumped at the chance!

I had a pen pal once in elementary school and I loved sending her letters and waiting patiently to hear back.  Is there anything better than snail mail packages?  Methinks not.

Kirsten sent me a package filled with homemade jams, African nectar tea, chocolate from Denmark that melts on toast (I KNOW), and a hand knit necklace.  To say I am thrilled is an understatement!  I’ve already noshed my way through a significant portion of the food 🙂

I burst out laughing at the card haha

My first “One Kitchen, Many Hearts” bloggy box buddy was Allison, and I knew I had to find a few things to fuel her running habit.  You can check out her site to see the goodies I picked for her.

Needless to say, I’m pee-my-pants-excited for the next bloggy exchange.

Have you ever had a pen pal?  What’s the best thing you’ve ever received in the mail?


Check out these blogs to see what the other boxes contained this month:

Kat – Tenaciously Yours

Megan – Wanna be a Country Cleaver

Kirsten – Comfortably Domestic

Mads – La Petite Pancake (that’s me)

Allison – Decadent Philistines Save the World

Jeanne – Inside NanaBread’s Head

9 thoughts on “One Kitchen, Many Hearts

  1. Pingback: “One Kitchen, Many Hearts” | Inside NanaBread's Head

  2. The beach scene on the card is very popular in the resort towns up here. You can find it personalized with just about everything printed on it. When I happened across it in my Anne Taintor postcard stash, I knew it was meant to be. 🙂

  3. Pingback: Big Blue Marble: One Kitchen, Many Hearts « Comfortably Domestic

  4. I think I might make that card the wallpaper on my work computer. It’s just so…beyond.

    Other fact of life I came to terms with this week:I will do basically anything for preserves that other people have made. They make my heart sing. And I hoard them.

  5. I had thought about sending jams, too, but I didn’t get to them in time for Jeanne (she really got the short end of the stick with me… sheesh!). What fun that is!
    That card is The Best Thing Ever. It’s so funny that you sent that, as I just rewrote the lyrics for “Vacation,” by the Go-Go’s, and I sent it out at work (it’s my out of office message) with a picture of the water skiing. It’s like I knew, even when I didn’t. Or you knew. Or we both knew.
    But for rizzle – WHERE DID YOU GET THAT CHOCOLATE???????????

  6. Pingback: La Petite Pancake

  7. Pingback: Big Blue Marble: One Kitchen, Many Hearts

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