MN State Fair On a Stick

I got back this evening from a whirlwind tour of Minneapolis.  There was a surprise engagement party, wedding dresses, and lots and lots of baby blankies (not for me).

I will share more on that later, but I really wanted to talk about what’s most important: State Fair Food.  More specifically, all of the fried goodies I ate off of a stick.

Jonathan and I partook on a gastroenterological tour of the MN State Fair with some family and friends while we were in town this past weekend.  Now, I usually get cheese curds, corn on the cob, and a corn dog.  I’m aware that this might not be the healthiest dinner, but it’s a pretty light in terms of fair food.

This year?  It was a no-holds-barred kind of event.

First on the roster was Ole and Lena’s hot dish on a stick:

This went something like meatball, tater tot, meatball, tater tot, deep-fried goodness, and slathered with gravy.

Jonathan was in heaven.

I still maintain that it was not as good as my homemade tater tot hotdish.

Next up was deep-fried apple pie:

This came with cinnamon ice cream and I literally screamed when I found out.  Embracing the small things…

The apple pie was sort of like McDonald’s apple pies on crack.  In other words, it was incredible.

Finally, we had to try the new fair food, deep-fried cookie dough on a stick:

Click photo for source.

I was skeptical of this one from the get-go, and I wasn’t mistaken.  I get that the cookie dough was supposed to be gooey, but so was the batter.  It was all too much.

Besides all of the eating, we did walk around quite a bit and saw a lot of animals.  My favorite (as usual) was the piglets at the Miracle of Birth Center:

And we happened to stumble across a live Tapes ‘n Tapes concert:

Best surprise ever?  Yes, I think so.

What’s your state/county fair like?  What’s your favorite deep-fried food?


10 thoughts on “MN State Fair On a Stick

  1. Why, that’s the cutest little pig tushie in that pig pile I think I’ve ever seen! I love little piglets almost as much as I love fair food. My favorites – deep fried Oreos, funnel cakes, corn dogs (with lots of mustard), and fruit cobblers with vanilla ice cream. YUM!

  2. Once I was in the birth center and I saw a piglet get crushed.

    It was kind of a downer.

    My favorite fair food would have to be the mouse trap cheese curds, hands down. There is nothing else like them.

    • Kind of a downer? I would need to be medicated after witnessing that. Although, I do eat bacon and pork products all the time…
      We won’t think about that.

  3. I’ve never been to a state fair…they aren’t exactly ubiquitous here in LA. But I am so intrigued to try a fried Snickers bar. I just can’t imagine how amazingly rich that would taste!

    The apple pie looks divine!

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