Tribute to Mark Bittman

Mark Bittman is my culinary hero.

Let me count the ways:

1- The Minimalist

2- The Minimalist Podcast

3- Mark’s blog

4- How to Cook Everything

5- How to Cook Everything Vegetarian

6- How to Cook Everything apps for smart phones/iPads (I recently downloaded this bad boy and I don’t know how I lived without it.)

7- Mr. Bittman’s new opinion column for The Times.

8- The fact that he’s not a trained chef.

9- How Marky Mark uses minimal tools in the kitchen.  This is also the reason I don’t like Alton Brown.  YIPES!  I said it aloud.  It’s on my blog.  The world now knows my dark and dirty secret.  For dramatic flair, I will say it again…I don’t like Alton Brown.

10- The food.

Who is your favorite in the culinary world?


6 thoughts on “Tribute to Mark Bittman

  1. One of my favs is Ina Garten, better known as the Barefoot Contessa. Lov’ her philosophy of only three food items for meals where two of them you prepare yourself and the third one you can buy made (but of course from good ingredients.) I also like the female cook (can’t remember her name – sorry) from America’s Test Kitchen. Her easy explanation of things is great.

  2. You are my favorite. I would be full, satisfied and thin if I moved in with you “three”.

    Otherwise, there is always Michael Chiarello with his southern Italian recipes. Always reliable and so tasty.

  3. I like what Mark Bittman has to say. Michael Pollen, too. I really like Alton Brown’s scientific explanations behind cooking, however I don’t always like or have the time for his recipes. But he appeals to my dorky side. I’m a big Ina Garten fan, too. You just know any of her recipes will be awesome. The Neely’s never fail to disappoint, either.

  4. I don’t keep up with a lot of the cooking show. The Complete Package and I do not have cable. If it’s not on PBS, we don’t get it. I do enjoy the America’s Test Kitchen crew, and their spin-off show “Cook’s Country”. I like their full explanation of how recipes were tested and came to create the method that works best. If I could pick one kitchen to sit in and swap stories, it would be Paula Deen’s. She is a southern woman after my own heart.

  5. Pingback: Teaching Andrew To Make Chicken and Salad | Food Thinking

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